Abilities Expo - Trade show for of all the latest products and services to make life more accessible

AMBUCS - Provides bicycles for mobility challenged individuals

Canine Angels - places professionally trained assistance dogs with individuals between the ages of 5-25 that have physical and developmental disabilities.

Empowering Amputees - online community for individuals to connect and discuss a variety of topics related to the life of amputees. It's open to amputees, caregivers and family members. They specifically have a group for quad amputees as well. 

NMEDA - National Mobility Equipment and Dealers Association

No Limits Foundation - Camp No Limits with camps in Maine, Missouri, Maryland, Florida, Idaho, California

Rainbow Kids - While Rainbow Kids does SN adoptions, this page takes you to limb difference adoption resources

Shriner's Hospital - The premier hospital for orthopedic conditions

Wheels for the World - Joni Erickson Tada's program to provide free wheelchairs worldwide

1 comment:

  1. I have been prowling the web for almost 2 years finding helpful sites for my son who was born with bilateral limb difference in May, 2012 and I have to say that this is by FAR one of the best sites I have ever seen. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!


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