Saturday, April 13, 2013

Have Bendy Straw, Will Travel

Before we met our daughter, we weren't exactly sure how it was all going to come together. I mean exactly how were we going to do life with a little girl with short legs and only one small arm?

On the one hand, the words of Nick Vuijcic, whom we admire greatly, were ringing in our ears - "no arms, no legs, no worries." But on the other hand, we were very worried about the practicalities of day-to-day life.

One of the doctors who reviewed our daughter's file spoke words that would give us some much needed calm. He told us, "much can be done with little." How true that's been.

We are currently in the process of getting a power wheel chair, which will be a huge asset. But much of what our daughter uses for daily living isn't revolutionary or earth shattering. We've simply made a few tweaks here and there.

Our simple modifications include: a DIY platform bed with mattress only so that she can easily get in and out herself. We replaced the knob on her door with a pull-down handle. We've tied long ribbons to the handle so that she can open and close the door herself. Instead of a dresser, the clothes in her closet are hung low so that she can chose them herself.

Thanks to another mom, we know to keep a Camelbak in the car so that she can get herself a drink while riding in the car seat. We also have a stash of bendy straws so that any cup becomes accessible for her at a restaurant.

Before our daughter came home when asked for toy suggestions, we just kind of shrugged helplessly. Now we know what toys she likes to play with -- her brother's. With the exception of a portable easel we haven't purchased any "limb different" toys. However, we do have a few hand-me-downs that work especially well.  Puzzles, like this one, with magnets are good because they can be manipulated using feet or a little arm. Glitter glue is also good for kids with short arms because you can use your chin and shoulder to squeeze.

While I certainly want my daughter to have whatever she needs, the reality is that what works is likely what you already have. The best tools are common sense, creativity and stick-to-it-ness. During a conversation recently with someone on a wholly unrelated topic, this individual commented that all it really takes to brush your teeth is salt and a twig.

Limb differences aside, you have salt and a twig, you're set. You have a bendy straw, well, now your dreams can grow wings.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, bendy straws. I always have a Ziploc full of those in my bag, LOL! Who knew bendy straws would become such a big part of our lives. :)
    LOVE you site... what a great resource! Thanks for doing it!


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