Remember that kid from the Sixth Sense who said, “ I see dead people”? Well, my kids see something too, although thankfully it has to do with the living.
They see wheelchairs. And, they see them everywhere.
Ying has even been known to mistake riding lawn mowers for wheelchairs. That’s how excited she gets about them.
Her chair has been ordered. In spite of attempts to persuade her otherwise, it’s coming in bright pink.
This is a demo chair. Not her personal Permobil K-450.
The minivan has been purchased and is currently in Michigan being modified.
It is not bright pink.
She will also drive her chair with her arm, but hers has been customized so that the joystick is closer to her arm and has increased sensitivity, so that it takes less pressure to control it.
Both sets of wheels, do, however, have horns.
Watch out world, here we come.
Bright pink wheelchair - how cool is that?!